Monday, June 6, 2011

18 months

Mallory was 18 months in hard to believe!! She went for her checkup and received her final shots until kindergarten...ahhh! She was 23 lbs!

Some interesting things about Mallory at 18 months...
-wearing 12-18 and some 18-24 month clothes
-wears a size 5 shoe
-talks ALOT! says "shut the door", "thank you mommy", "i love you", "i see you"..these are some of her favorites!
-she also says "a b c", and "read a book"
-will say "me me me me" when she wants something (i think it is because she is the youngest of four and doesn't want to be left out!)
-plays peek a boo
-knows her family members by name

Mallory is a such a joy and growing up so fast!

More Spring Break Pics....

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Spring Break 2011

We made our yearly drive to Florida in March. I cannot explain how much everyone in our family looks forward to this trip. Our kiddos did great on the drive...I think they are used to it! This was our fifth year and the hottest spring break so far. We had many lazy days on the beach and at the pool. It is such a welcome relief after those long winter months. It is hard to believe that our first trip 5 years ago we only had Aiden and Maddie!

More Winter Fun...

Winter Fun

Let's just say it snowed ALOT this winter!! The kids love to get bundled up and go out and play in it but honestly it is ALOT of work for this we braved the elements and got everyone bundled up and hit the park with our sleds in tow. They had so much fun I almost felt bad for not letting them play in the snow more...I am sure that I won't get that lucky this winter! Mallory went in layered pajamas because she had zero snow gear...but she didn't even care. It is nice to post these pictures in June when it is 90 degrees outside!

Daddy Daughter Dance 2011

Maddie and Matt attended the annual Tri Kappa Daddy Daughter dance in February. Maddie enjoyed a day of pampering by getting her nails and hair done! She was beautiful and enjoyed the evening with her daddy and friends too!


Aiden turned 9 WAY back in February! He wanted a wrestling cake since he was right in the middle of wrestling season. Aiden had a super year in the third grade, getting straight A's the entire year! He has a girlfriend (YIKES!) and loves listening to music on his iPod. He likes to wrestle, play football and baseball and ride his bike. He is a super kid and a great big brother!!